Dominate Your Day:
Stop Being Busy and
Leave Burnout Behind

Here’s the truth: You can be a hustler and still not be productive. Ouch, right? That’s how I felt too when I realized that my proverbial hamster wheel wasn’t getting me anywhere.


Brains @ Work:
The Invisible Power of

When Type-A workhorses dominate workplace culture, neurodiverse employees are the ones who get brutally trampled underneath. Where some may “thrive”, others suffer because their brains play to different strengths.


Dominate Your Day:
Stop Being Busy and Leave Burnout Behind


  • 1 You don’t have to be busy. It’s about being productive.
  • 2 It’s not “them” – you are in control of your own time.
  • 3 Busy blinds you.
  • 4 You can stop overworking yourself now. Don’t wait.
  • 5 You have to prioritize your time first. You have permission to do that.

Busy isn’t sexy, but having purpose is.

Take a momentary break from the compulsory need to clear your email inbox, pause the personal development podcast telling you how to biohack your sleep, and honestly ask yourself: “Am I dominating my day, or is my day dominating me?” In a no holds barred, give-it-to-me straight kind of way, what would you say?

In this talk, I empower audiences to take back control of their personal and professional lives by shifting their mindset from being busy to pursuing purpose.

Drawing from my own toxic relationship with busyness as well as the testimonies from top-level executives I’ve consulted, I engage audiences with 5 game-changing truths that RELEASE them from the busyness trap.

Harnessing these truths alongside my productivity system, COAT, I teach audiences how to reset our relationship with busyness and discover fulfillment where productivity flows.

Fellow teacher pets who said NO to busy and YES to purpose-driven productivity.

“Sarah is truly one of the most engaging and captivating speakers I have had the pleasure of listening to. From the moment she steps onto the stage, her charisma and energy are infectious, drawing in her audience and holding their attention from start to finish.”

Leila Kubesch

Leila Kubesch

National Teachers Hall of Fame Inductee

“Thanks so much for your recent session. I am absolutely ecstatic about the way our client projects are being organized now, and it is making it a million times easier for the team members to understand who is working on what and what the current statuses are. You are simply amazing!!! Your session should be required for anyone managing a business.”

Erica Quigley

Erica Quigley

Poka-Yoke Solutions

“The responses have been incredible to your sessions, and I’m already seeing nonsense meetings get canceled. Your comment about the all-hands meeting being an expensive meeting, made our CRO realize we’re spending $50k a month in salaries on all-hands meetings.”

Corporate Training Client

During this keynote, you will:

  • Understand how the shift from busy to productive can be applied to nearly every area of work and life.
  • See how your team can reposition your work as progress toward the purpose.
  • Discover compounding productivity. Simple ways to accomplish more, make better and faster decisions, and increase productivity without burning out.
  • Learn a filter that will help you focus on the most impactful work every day. Plus, you can implement it the second you walk out of the session.

Dominate Your Day
Corporate Workshops

Workshops are available as part of a series or as breakout sessions.


Brains @ Work:
The Invisible Power of Neurodiversity

Two people, two different brains, and a bunch of different experiences.

Working alongside my business partner Jeff Gibbard is like drinking champagne from a firehose. I love champagne, but not in my hair.

Jeff’s neurodivergent, and I’m neurotypical. His mind is constantly spinning, inventing, connecting, and reimagining, while I find comfort in linear thinking and spreadsheets.

A work day for him entails six hours of executive dysfunction followed by two hours of extreme productivity, while I maintain a steady pace throughout the day. We’re different. But, this dynamic has shed light on a remarkable discovery about diverse brain types in the workplace. It’s our strength.

Using real-life examples and tangible takeaways, our talk reveals how to stop the hemorraging of incredibly talented team members through innovative ways to leverage neurodiversity and maximize team productivity.

This eye-opening message explores the simple mindset shifts teams can make to coordinate, communicate, and support one another so everyone can bring their full selves to work, and contribute their zone of genius.

Brain geniuses who get it.

“Sarah gave an amazing presentation that was not only insightful but impactful. We walked away with tangible takeaways we could put into use immediately. Her ‘COAT’ method is an easy system that can be put into place whether you are an entrepreneur or in corporate life. Brilliant.”

Elisa Ellis

Elisa Ellis

Turnkey Style

“It’s a tough topic for many individuals to face, but so incredibly important. Imagine all that potential energy regained for themselves, let alone the biz! I really appreciate how deftly you handled it firm, but kind. Direct with tons of positive energy.”

Clifford Henderson

Clifford Henderson

III | Director of Construction

“Sarah is…..engaging, inspirational, authentic….her productivity tools transformed my daily performance – immediate results!”

Brian T. Bishop

Brian T. Bishop

Maj Gen, USAF, Ret (Thunderbird / Fighter Pilot),
CEO & Founder, 9G Teams

During this keynote, you will:

  • How understanding neurodiversity helps you hire the right people for the right roles without labels or putting people in boxes, and keep top talent from leaving.
  • How to get out of your own brain so you can see someone else’s gifts.
  • How the small act of creating safety can change your entire company.
  • How open and non-judgemental communication can help everyone meaningfully contribute.

Brains @ Work
Corporate Workshops: 4-Part Series

Workshops are available as part of a series or as breakout sessions.